March 5, 2008

All downhill from here...?

So, tonight is opening night for the Vagina Monologues. WHAT THE HELL, MAN??? When did this happen?? The programs aren't done! The Contact cards aren't done! I need to iron. I still haven't gotten a hold of the insurance lady... yeah, that's about my car, but still...

My kitchen smells like hotdogs. Maybe it's time to actually clean up in there. Murrrrr...

I'm trying the get a hold of Mike because Noises Off has no lights. ok, well they have enough lights for one wash. We need 3. and we need to highlight 7 doors. Murrrrr...

So, I'm going to grab a shower, iron my costume and head up to the library to finish the programs, and create contact cards. I'm just hoping that the set got finished up, and that everything goes well tonight.


1 comment:

Ginny said...

Break a leg!!!