December 16, 2008

deer mommys friends

it is sorrelle. mommy is sleeping on the couch and coffing. she snores when she sleeps haha!

mommy seys she is sik. she seys that she has somthing cald strep and it makes her voyce icky. she seys her tummy and her nek r hurting, but she seys that she will get bettr soon.

to day we got letrs from nana. mommy was happy becuz she seys she isnt going to get many cards this year. mommy hangs them up on the wal ovr my couch with string, and she put little candicans and hanging peple on there to. i wantd to play with them but mommy made me stop. she dosnt like it when i sit on this lap top thing either but it is warm on my butt!

i shud go now. mommys feet r geting cold. i shud warm them up for her. bye for now!

luv relly

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